Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"Snow" much fun!

So we got a bit of snow here the other day, and Hunter and I thought we'd go and check it out. Not to mention this would be Hunter's first time playing in the snow!

Well, when I first opened the front door he was excited to see the Christmas lights and the look of the white snow... then he took a couple of steps into the snow and panicked when he couldn't see his feet or the ground. It took a couple of minutes and some convincing that it was really ok, and then he was fine. First time in the snow: Successful!


Devin&Missy said...

He is so dang cute all bundled up! That is so cute he was a little afraid at first.. sweet thing! I bet it was fun for you being his first time out in the snow! Looks like a fun time!


Candice said...

Too cute! He looks like he coudln't even move in his little outfit :)Oh cute Christmas card picture too. We just got it the other day!

Emily said...

That is soo cute! Those first 2 pics crack me up! Reminds me of the movie "Christmas Story" (isn't that what it is called where the boy can't walk bc he is all bundled)!

Bridgett said...

Hunter is sooooo CUTE! I hope you guys have a merry christmas too, and thanks for the birthday wishes for Haylie:)