Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sippy Cup

So I broke down and got Hunter a sippy cup! I wasnt in a hurry to do this because it would just prove that he is growing up way too fast! But I did it, and boy is Hunter glad! He acts more like its a toy than anything. He sees it and has to have it! At first when we gave it to him he kept trying to roll over on his tummy and still expect to drink from it, well you can imagine his frustration when this wasnt working. So I built him a little bed so that he could enjoy his sippy cup! I tell ya, this boy is something else!


Deschamps Family said...

He really is growing up way too fast! I love the pictures of him helping you in the kitchen. It's amazing to see how much they learn and figure out!

The "Feet" said...

I can't believe that he is already using a sippy cup! he is growing up so fast! I miss the little guy. I can't wait come down with Brinzie. :)

Cariann said...

Steph he is so cute! I can't believe that he is only a month and a half older then Devon. But I think Devon is giving Hunter so serious chub competition! I think these two need to met each other soon!

Emily said...

I found your blog! I can't get over his gorgeous blue eyes! What a cutie pie! It is hard when they get older--I love the baby stages!

Anonymous said...

wow! I can't believe how grown up he is! He's adorable.